The Aimless Pursuit of More

Benny Glick
2 min readSep 11, 2021


A concept that I’ve named “the aimless pursuit of more” has been on my mind recently.

For me, the “more” has always been career and financial success. When I achieve a goal, I feel aimless until I have a new and bigger one.

This non-stop cycle of discontentment has been weighing heavily on me and was exacerbated by a close friend’s unexpected loss of his father.

What am I doing it all for? Why do I need more? Will it provide what I’m looking for?

Although I know that the highest title achieved, the % return realized, and the net worth built will be for naught on my death bed, it is excruciatingly hard for me to live it in practice.

My deepest fear in life is getting to the end and meeting the person I could have been. But, I ask myself, why does that person always have more money, power, and prestige?

I don’t want to come to the end of my days (or my loved ones last days) wishing for more time to focus on what matters most, depth of relationships.

We are given plenty of time in life…we just waste so much of it chasing frivolous dopamine hits.

Spend as much time with those that matter most and do it as soon as possible.

The value of time isn’t constant. It has diminishing returns caused by decreasing health and mobility. An hour spent with your dad in his 60’s will provide more depth than a day spent with him in a nursing home in his 90s.

Don’t wait. Make the call. Take the trip.

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